For more diversity!

Diversity Charter
For more diversity!
Hamm Police have joined the "Diversity Charter".

By signing the certificate, the police headquarters declares its willingness as an employer to promote equal opportunities, appreciation and diversity for all employees in a special way.

By joining, Hamm Police is now an official supporter of this goal and is committed to ensuring an equal and inclusive working environment within the authority.

"We are sending out a clear signal for openness, tolerance and humanity - both internally and in our dealings with citizens. We have never been as diverse as we are today. By signing the pledge, we are flying the flag for equal opportunities in the world of work," says Polizeipräsident Thomas Kubera.

The "Diversity Charter" has been in existence since 2006 and was initiated by four companies. It is an employer initiative to promote diversity in the world of work, which around 4,900 companies and institutions have already signed up to. The initiative is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan. The patron is Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

In our photo series, colleagues from our agency explain what diversity means to them personally!

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110