Hit and run - unfair and punishable

Picture hit-and-run
Hit and run - unfair and punishable
There were 1102 hit-and-run accidents in Hamm in 2020. Three times a day, someone involved in an accident leaves the scene without identifying themselves as the person involved. Most of these are only fender benders, but even these are annoying and can be expensive for the injured party.
PP Hamm

Whether it's a parking bump, a touched wing mirror or a hit traffic sign: anyone who makes off after a traffic accident is liable to prosecution.

If the hit-and-run is not clarified, the injured party is liable for the damage. In order for the police to solve a hit-and-run, the help of witnesses is usually required. Anyone who observes a hit-and-run accident should therefore not hesitate to contact the police (emergency number 110) immediately as a witness. License plate number, color and type of the fleeing car - any information can help to clarify the crime. And anyone who observes an accident and identifies themselves as a witness may even be able to prevent the person who caused the accident from trying to leave the scene without permission.

An appeal from Hamm police: Whether you are a witness or the person who caused the accident, put yourself in the position of the injured party! You certainly wouldn't want to be stuck with the damage caused by someone else either.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110