Crash course NRW against traffic accidents involving young people

Logo of the NRW police state campaign Crash Course
Crash course NRW against traffic accidents involving young people
More than 10,000 people have already taken part in the Hamm police's prevention campaign.

Since 2012, police officers, firefighters and emergency pastoral workers have been reporting on serious collisions with fatalities and injuries to the eleventh grade of the Hammer schools. They talk from a personal perspective about what they have experienced at various accident scenes. The aim is to reach the young people emotionally through this involvement.

The police hope that this will change young people's behavior and reduce the number of accidents.

This is because young drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are involved in a disproportionately high number of road accidents. This usually has dramatic consequences for relatives too. Serious accidents happen because drivers drive too fast or under the influence of alcohol or drugs and because seatbelts are often not worn.

Crash Kurs NRW is only possible thanks to numerous volunteers. Important support is provided by Maximilianpark GmbH with the workshop hall, Verkehrsbetriebe Hamm with the free bus transfer for participants and Sparkasse Hamm, Dortmunder Volksbank and Stadtwerke Hamm as sponsors.

To the contact persons for "Crash Course".


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110