Crime situation 2024

A policeman is shown from behind with handcuffs attached to his trousers and a weapon attached. A map of the Rhine district of Neuss in yellow can be seen on the right.
Crime situation 2024
District administrator and head of the authorities Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke published the crime situation report 2024 for the Rhine district of Neuss on Friday (13.03.) at 3:30 pm.

Dear citizens,

I am delighted to present the 2024 police crime statistics for the Rhine district of Neuss. The comprehensive analysis provides an insight into security-related developments in the Rhine district of Neuss.
The facts and figures we are presenting to you are the result of strong cooperation between the police, local authorities and you, the people who live here in our beautiful Rhine district of Neuss. Together, we are continuously working to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens.
These statistics not only provide an inventory, but also an outlook on future challenges and opportunities in the area of crime prevention and crime fighting.
I think it is particularly important that we take this path together as a society. It takes each and every one of us and you to make our home even safer and more liveable.
The nationwide trend of rising case numbers in police crime statistics since 2021 is also continuing in the Rhine district of Neuss. A total of 30,954 crimes were recorded in 2024, which corresponds to an increase of 2.9%. The clear-up rate is 51.8%, meaning that more than every second crime was solved in 2024.
Happily, the number of cases of vehicle theft and burglary has fallen. In 2024, 164 vehicles were stolen, compared to 189 in 2023. While 989 domestic burglaries were registered in 2023, the number fell to 936 in 2024. A decrease was also recorded here - but every burglary is one too many. In the coming years, we must continue to send out the message that the Rhine district of Neuss is not a place for burglaries.
In 2024, the number of ATM break-ins was further reduced. In the previous year, there were still seven, while only two ATMs were blown up in the reporting year. The police concepts and arrests therefore appear to have led to a nationwide decline in the number of cases.
Unfortunately, elderly people were also victims of fraud in 2024. Fraudsters use a variety of scams and highly emotional stories to try to get their victims' money. The police in the Rhine district of Neuss have launched the new "AUFLEGEN!" prevention campaign to raise awareness in society and draw attention to scams. The Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department received prominent support for the campaign. You can see prominent faces on the posters and postcards. In addition to Horst Lichter, the Cologne cult band De Räuber and former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth also took part in the campaign.
Up-to-date information on how you can protect yourself from crime can be found on our website. The Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department also offers advice, for example on burglary protection.
I would like to thank all the employees of the police in the Rhine district of Neuss for their dedicated work.
I would also like to thank all citizens who have actively participated in the efforts to promote security and the common good by reporting witnesses.

Best regards

Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke
District Administrator and Head of the District Police Authorities Rhein-Kreis Neuss




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